The Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE) is organizing an training programme and two Hackathons


The Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE) is organizing a training programme and two Hackathons in Thessaloniki, Greece, that aims to help young talents transform their original ideas into final products. These actions consist of a series of courses and practical training that will provide hands-on experience with various aspects of digital product design.

The actions are implemented within the framework of the project INNO-ECOSYSTEM, and participation is free of charge.

The following actions will take place:

  1. Training Programme: The programme will be held on November 3-5, 2023, and November 10-12, 2023. Participants will have the opportunity to attend an interactive program (in Greek), receive educational material, and have the guidance of experts in the field of digital product design. They will also gain knowledge on topics related to different areas of digital solutions, with the ultimate goal of understanding the specificities, risks, and challenges of each stage.
  2. Local Hackathon: Participants in the training programme will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by attending 48 hours of preparation and maturation of their ideas, under the guidance of qualified staff and expert consultants in the digital product design industry. Afterward, they will be invited to present their proposals and one team will win!
  3. Transnational Hybrid Hackathon: The winning teams of Local Hackathons from the two countries participating in the INNO-ECOSYTEM project, i.e., Greece and the Republic of North Macedonia, will have the opportunity to take part in the Hybrid Transnational Transnational Hackathon. The hackathon will last 48 hours and will give the winning teams the chance to showcase their skills and compete with other talented individuals.

This is an excellent opportunity for young talents to gain valuable experience and knowledge in the field of digital product design. We encourage you to participate and take advantage of this unique opportunity.

You can register by following the link below: