About INNO-ECOSYSTEM project
The European co-funded project entitled: Creating Innovation Ecosystem for Support of Employability Opportunities of IT Young Talents in the Cross-Border Region (INNO-ECOSYSTEM) has been approved under the framework of the Interreg-IPA CBC Cooperation Programme Greece-Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020″.
The project INNO-ECOSYSTEM aims to:

• to strengthen and support of the cross-border innovation and opportunity-driven entrepreneurship through provision of rich offer for IT young talents such as skills development,  links to corporate enterprises interested to either employ them or support their start-up idea, provision of co-living/co-working spaces attractive for entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and digital nomads, a series of promotional, networking activities and possibilities for professional engagement through digital directory.
• To boost innovation-driven culture in cross-border area through practicing new tools that lead to youth employment: 1) corporate startups networking and 2) hackathon events that attract IT young talents to work on problem solution while mentored and coached and 3) experience exchange through technology forums.

A holistic package of measures that utilize the valuable young scientific capital of the two countries in the labor market is included in the INNO-ECOSYSTEM project, with the ultimate objective of improving the competitiveness of the two economies, contributing to address unemployment, a sustainable and viable educational progress, and a development hub by an IT platform to connect the two regions business environments, strengthening regional cohesion in the border region, and also promoting the extroverted economy.

Therefore, the project INNO-ECOSYSTEM creates employment opportunities for young graduates in the cross-border area by exploiting the local scientific potential.
Main Activities of the INNO-ECOSYSTEM project:
Activities to Foster Innovation Through Opportunity-Driven Entrepreneurship and to Support Innovative Ideas
• Training programmes on opportunity-driven entrepreneurship (soft skills, design thinking and business skills)
• Organizing hackathons that attract young IT talent to work on solving problems with experienced mentors and coaches by their side
• Innovation and Technology Events
• Study visits to initiatives (co-working / co-living spaces)
• Development of a Cross-Border Digital Directory of the IT Ecosystem
• Organization of meetings and networking events in the Republic of North Macedonia




Main Results of the INNO-ECOSYSTEM project:
• The qualification upgrade of people in order to find and manage a company on their own, to pursue a freelance career, and/or do remote work
• The creation of a “culture of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship” based on innovation
• The investment in human capital as one of the most valuable resources in the cross-border area for promoting economic activities
• The creation of co-living and co-working spaces that will support the employment of freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads in cross-border areas
• The creation of an ecosystem that allows innovation to flourish on its own
• The stimulation of interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation as a vehicle for economic and social cohesion
• The building of relationships between startups and the corporate sector so as to integrate innovation in the productive sectors of the economy

Main Benefits of the INNO-ECOSYSTEM project:

The benefit of the project INNO-ECOSYSTEM is twofold:
• On the one hand local economy will draw knowledge of existing human resources in both sides of the border and on the other hand
• Young graduates from the cross border area will benefit through programs to upgrade skills and abilities, to maximize the possibility of entering the labor market, and entrepreneurship

Priority Axis 1 – Development and Suport of Local Economy
Thematic Objectives / Priorities: 
a-Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders through, inter alia: integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility; joint local employment initiatives; information and advisory services and joint training; gender equality; equal opportunities; integration of immigrants’ communities and vulnerable groups; investment in public employment services; and supporting investment in public health and social services.
Investment Priority: 
a-Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders through, inter alia: integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility; joint local employment initiatives; information and advisory services and joint training; gender equality; equal opportunities; integration of immigrants’ communities and vulnerable groups; investment in public employment services; and supporting investment in public health and social services.
Specific Objectives  – 1.1 Create employment opportunities for educated graduates by exploiting comparative advantages of the crossborder area, preferably with the use of innovative tools and practices.